Red Skelton

The Red Skelton Performing Arts Center
Mrs. Lothian Skelton, Vincennes University, the State of Indiana and friends of the famed Hoosier believe a person who gave so much to others deserves to be remembered with a landmark facility dedicated to his memory and achievements. The inspiring life story ofRed Skelton needs to be preserved and told to future generations and his accomplishments and talents as an artist and performer need to be memorialized. InRed Skelton's home town of Vincennes, Indiana, he has been memorialized by the construction of The Red Skelton Performing Arts Center and Museumon the campus of Vincennes University.

From left to right: Mr. Jim and Marilyn McCormick, Mrs. Lothian (Red) Skelton, and Dr. William D. Mett
at the opening celebration of
The Red Skelton Performing Arts Center.

Mrs. Red Skelton has generously given Red Skeltoncostumes, awards, personal papers, music and prints of his artwork for exhibition. Mrs. Skelton's donation is an extraordinary treasure which tells the unique story of an internationally known entertainer. Red Skelton was a creative man, one who enjoyed entertaining people through his radio, television, theater and performance careers.
Mrs. Red Skelton writes:
"It was always quite clear to me that Red Skelton's personal memorabilia should go to Red's hometown, for his memory and good works to be cherished and enjoyed forever. Red himself had this same feeling and expressed it many times with no interest in having a memorial in Hollywood...This is a dream come true for the Skelton Family and for Red himself."